In today's hypercompetitive business landscape, the importance of streamlining your supply chain cannot be overstated. It is the backbone that...
The Challenges of Urban Logistics
Urban logistics is a critical aspect of the supply chain that focuses on delivering goods to densely populated city centers. It plays a pivotal role...
Handling Supply Chain Disruptions
In today's dynamic business landscape, supply chain disruptions have become a common occurrence that can significantly impact a company's operations...
Recent Wins and Challenges in the Ocean Freight Industry
COVID-19 hit the ocean freight industry hard. First, it was the disruptions, as global supply chains crashed under historical consumer demand and...
What’s Changing in the Shipping Industry?
The ocean freight industry is facing multiple challenges that are driving significant changes in the way carriers operate. From environmental...
U.S. Imports Gained in March
Imports gained in March. What do experts say about the future? Sales of imported products in the US in recent quarters have been declining, and...
The Impact of Price Volatility
It’s been a perfect pricing storm for shipping and logistics companies. COVID-19 and subsequent rebounds, labor unrest, and supply chain disruptions...
Durable Goods Sales Are Still Down. Will They Bounce Back?
Products that people sell mainly fall into two categories: “durable” or “consumable.” They’re pretty much exactly what they sound like. Consumable...
Traditional Statistics as Market Indicators: Do they still work?
The February 2023 jobs report showed some serious job growth, estimating that over 300,000 new jobs were added to the economy. During an average...
The Inflation Effect for Import and Export Businesses: How A Weaker Dollar Will Benefit Some and Limit Others
Inflation is par for the economic course—but, coming out of the pandemic, the accelerated rate of inflation hit the shipping and logistics industry...
Is there an Artificial Increase in Shipping Demand?
It’s a delicate balance. Given the pandemic-powered disruptions facing the global supply chain—slowdowns, lockdowns, and manufacturing shortages,...
Optimizing Your Supply Chain Spend
The COVID-19 pandemic shined a big, bold light on increasingly universal weaknesses in the global supply chain—weaknesses that, during the COVID-19...